Multichannel video and sound project, HD format
aspect ratio 16:9, surround sound Dolby Digital 5.1
Video projection size 15x28 ft (4 x 7 m) per channel
Approximate duration 15:00 min per channel

Seamless multichannel video field, combined resolution 4x HD format video format (5760x1080 px) Plasma monitors and DLP video projections, mounted acrilyc screens.
script-coded frame animation. Soundtrack by the artist

Installation includes composition of stainless steel constructions, full-color light-emitting diodes panels, and fiber-optics.
Additional elements include: LED light controllers, electric circuit boards, transformers, DMX programmed light array. Site-specific installation, dimensions variable

Video projects is accompanied by a series of 16 staged photographs related to the video
Photographs dimensions 48 x 72 inches, triplex prints, edition of 3 (no artists proofs)

Video project was released as a theater version (single channel) and gallery version (synchronized seamless 4-channel video stream).
Available in DVD, HD-, and BluRay versions (Pal EU & NTSC US, monitor and projection versions). Original release HD PAL EU.

Film produced and released in New York, photo series produced and editioned in Dusseldorf